Valorant (Riot Games, 2020) is the first shooter from Riot and one of the newest titles in the world of eSports. The game's main mode pits two teams against each other, each with five different characters that have to be chosen before the game starts. The regular game time stretches over 24 rounds. The team that wins 13 rounds first is the winner. In case of a tie, a draw or two rounds of overtime can be voted on. After the first twelve rounds, the sides are switched. The attacking side has the task of placing a bomb, called a spike, while the defending side must prevent this or defuse the spike in time. Before each round, weapons and abilities unique to the character can be purchased. Used correctly, they can give the decisive tactical advantage.
The basic mechanics of the game are easy to learn, but the targeted use of abilities is a challenge even for shooter veterans.
The game is free-to-play and can be downloaded via its own launcher.
Valorant Teams
Ilmenauer Strohhutpiraten
Die Ilmenauer Strohhutpiraten bestehen aus Max, Iven, Shabaz, Muhammad und Caro, werden ergänzt durch Max und Basit und gehen in Uniliga 2 für Ilmenau eSport an den Start.
Establishment date:
Current Season:
WS 2023

Max „TheRealOssi“

Iven „Ivinator“

Shabaz „Shaggy“

Muhammad „Ghaurii“

Caro „YuroYuki“

Max „OnlyMaxus“
Basit „MeyraMax“
SubstituteIlmenauer Ratten
Für die Ilmenauer Ratten spielen Niklas, Nicolas, Ashis, Shuvo und Presley, ergänzt durch Dominic und Daniel. Auch sie befinden sich in Uniliga 2.
Establishment date:
Current Season:
WS 2023

Niklas „Skumbag v2“

Nicolas „JustPlayer“

Ashis „CarNage“

Shuvo „ShuvoJyoti“

Presley „Coin“

Dominic „AceTonic“